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I have to learn how to swim this year. Crikey!

Monday 30 April 2012

My Koala Fetish Frenzy Fiesta!

So, each Sunday, as I have said before, we go on a short day trip.  It's usually to the coast along the Great Ocean Road to places like Lorne or Apollo Bay and little places in between.  Joseph needs his water fix.  And he has enjoyed bring home abalone to family and friends for the past month...

And no, I do not find them tasty.  The texture is just too rubberyish for my palate.  But his fam and friends love them...

Anywhoooo...I have been wanting to go into the bush again and particularly in the rainforst, so we went down to Cape Otway and then got sidetracked a bit on seeing the creatures I love the mostest here in Oz...Koalas.  Cuddly, cuteriffic koalas....

So here is a  Koala Collection.  Note how different each koala looks.  They are so individualized. Enjoy. 

Look in the tree....
Look at those claws...
Obviously a male koala :o)
Climbing for the leaves at the top...

See how they have eaten all of those leaves?

It was on the news this morning that the koala is getting on the list for endangerment, but in other states outside of Victoria.  That is a relief.  At least they are okay here. For now. So enjoy the beauty of these captured moments...